Eterno cares. With modern, preventive healthcare, top-qualified medical experts and nature-inspired spaces designed for healing.

Eterno Health is a pioneering healthcare provider with locations across Germany. With a highly modern, patient-centered vision for holistic care, Eterno is reshaping healthcare and empowering healthcare practitioners to focus on what matters most: caring for their patients.

I put Eterno’s concept into words for both their target audiences: patients & healthcare professionals. After crafting their brand voice and conducting keyword research, I created all original texts for:

  • the English & German website (homepage, concept, departments, hubs, professionals, about us)
  • 17 German SEO texts describing Eterno’s full medical offering

Website | Cornerstone content

Modern Healthcare

Your doctor’s visits: modern, digitalized and 100% tailored to your health needs. Experience exceptional modern medicine from your GP appointment to specialist treatment – whether you have public or private health insurance.

Moderne Gesundheit

Deine Arztbesuche: Zeitgemäß, digitalisiert und mit Weitblick auf deine ganzheitliche Gesundheit. Erlebe außergewöhnliche moderne Medizin vom Hausarzttermin bis zur fachärztlichen Behandlung – egal, ob du gesetzlich oder privat versichert bist.

More samples*: (patients) • (professionals)

* Please note: the English texts are not yet implemented (displayed texts are auto-translated content)

SEO texts | Medical departments

Sample 1: Gynäkologie

Read the full article: Eterno Gynäkologie Hamburg

Sample 2: Neurologie

Read the full article: Eterno Neurologie Hamburg

Sample 3: Dermatologie

Read the full article: Eterno Dermatologie Hamburg

Creative copywriting & SEO texts in German & English for: Eterno Health GmbH

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