We discover unique artistic voices, weave strong bonds between artists and galleries and build pathways to sustainable growth and success.

NIS NAMDAR STUDIO is an independent artist management studio based in Cologne. Founded by Nis Namdar in 2010, the studio is dedicated to bringing together exceptional fine artists poised for international breakthrough with state-of-the-art galleries.

Our studio works across disciplines, cultures and borders to build generous professional networks. As a bridge between key players in the art market, we cultivate reliable connections that generate growth and strengthen long-term success.

Why work with us? NIS NAMDAR STUDIO facilitates seamless exchange while placing trust and transparency at its core. As a result, we are able to offer our partner galleries rewarding collaborations and close-knit artist relationships that last.

About text written for NIS NAMDAR STUDIO
Image credit: Skylar Kang

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