7MIND | 7 minutes to a calmer mind

From Berlin with Mindfulness. 7Mind expands minds every day—with great impact. The app invites people to engage in a meditation practice, helping them relax and sleep more soundly, while leading companies use 7Mind to boost the happiness and health of their employees.

7Mind offers 7-minute single meditations as well as courses, including certified prevention courses such as “Mindfulness-Based Stress Management”, “Resilience in Dealing with Stress” and “Progressive Muscle Relaxation,” which are covered by German public health insurance.

I supported 7Mind with translating their meditation content and marketing assets from German into English, including:

  • B2B & B2C meditation courses
  • 7Mind Magazine articles
  • 7Mind Newsletter

Sample: 7Mind Magazine articles

Sample: 7Mind Newsletter

[subject] Productivity: Shaping your working day

Hey there team member,

Does this situation sound familiar? You’re jumping from meeting to meeting, your inbox is overflowing and your to-do list just keeps getting longer? And yet, at the end of the day, you still feel like you haven’t made any progress. We reveal how mindfulness rituals can help you lower your stress levels and increase your productivity, so you can end your workday feeling fulfilled.

Magazine: 3 simple exercises for re-energizing and increasing productivity at work

Taking breaks in the form of mindfulness exercises helps you work more productively: they can improve memory and reduce stress. In this article, we show you three simple exercises you can do on the job to restore your energy and boost your productivity.

7Mind app: Before a meeting

Do you ever find yourself rushing from one meeting to the next and losing sight of the task at hand? Take a break with our ‘Before a Meeting’ meditation and realign your focus before your next meeting.

Sample: 7Mind Guided meditations

Team | Asking for help (from: B2B Meditations)


Asking someone at work for help or a favour can feel intimidating or embarrassing – maybe even impossible. That’s because we often think we have to manage everything on our own, and as a result: we hit dead ends. Trying to solve things on your own has its limitations and holds back the great power of working together; it separates rather than unites individual potential. People who learn to ask for things, on the other hand, automatically connect with others – and that is ultimately the basis for good teamwork. How about you try it out?


Start by finding a comfortable, upright seated posture and straighten your back and upper body as much as feels comfortable to you. Slightly tuck in your chin towards the neck so you can really align your spine. Relax your shoulders and neck, letting go of any tension there, and rest your arms along your sides, placing your hands gently on your thighs. 

Now, breathe in and out slowly a couple of times to find stillness, arriving in your body, and anchoring the mind in this present moment.

Breathe in – arriving…

Breathe out – finding stillness…

In – and out.

In – and out.

In – and out.

See if you can really become aware of your body, sitting right here, right now – and allow yourself to relax as much as possible.

Breathe in – being in the body… 

Breathe out – letting go…

In – and out.

In – and out.

In – and out.

Now think about how you connect with your co-workers, with all the people at work. See if you can recall any encounters where you told others what you needed from them and try to remember the way you usually express your wishes.

[. . .]

Balance | Motivation (from: B2B Meditations)


Being motivated at work is often thought of in terms of being committed, of performing well and getting our tasks done. Yet this kind of drive usually follows from an external necessity – and that is only one side of the coin. What is it that really moves you? What is the most important inner drive in your life? Finding an answer to such questions can release unimagined amounts of energy – both at work and in all other areas of your life. 


As always, settle into your meditation posture, finding a comfortable seat and lengthening your upper body… You can circle your shoulders and neck to loosen up a little if you like… Perhaps gently shake out your arms, wrists and hands, before letting them come to rest at your sides, with your hands relaxed on your thighs… 

Notice how your buttocks are supported by the floor or the chair, how your body finds support… and breathe in and out calmly. 

In – and out.

In – and out.

Now observe your body as a whole, perhaps swiftly scanning it from head to feet… 

(10 sec) 

Then start to follow your breathing, noticing how it creates space for your inner vitality, your aliveness…

Breathing in – being with the body…

Breathing out – noticing the space within you…

In – and out.

In – and out.

Let your attention follow your breathing…

On your inhale – see if you can feel the breath moving your lower abdomen…

And on your exhale – follow the warm air as it leaves your body again…

In – and out… (5 sec) 

Perhaps you can feel a growing sense of aliveness with each breath in, how you feel ever more present and in tune with yourself by simply following your breathing…

Breathing in aliveness…

Breathing out – being fully present with yourself…

In – and out…

Now explore what moves you – deep inside, in your innermost being. What is it that makes your heart beat faster? What gives you the feeling of being entirely connected to your inner aliveness, your intrinsic drive?… 

(10 sec) 

Breathe in and out calmly – and observe what comes up with curiosity.

[. . .]

Logo, photos and original texts: © 7Mind

GEIST (MEMORADO) | Brain & Mind

GEIST (former: Memorado) offers a leading brain training and mindfulness program with over 10 million members worldwide. Over the course of one year, I wrote weekly meditation exercises, audio stories and talks to help listeners all around the globe unwind and take a break from daily routines, improve their sleep, and live happier, healthier lives.

  • Science-backed talks on meditation, mindfulness and sleep
  • Guided meditations and meditation exercises
  • Relaxing bedtime stories

I unreservedly recommend Mirthe to anyone looking for a skilled, responsive and reliable writer who goes the extra mile to deliver high quality work.

— Jana Intan Brincker, Neuroscientist and Product Manager at Geist
GEIST Sample: Meditation

Creativity meditation 

(intro jingle)

Welcome to today’s session!

(3 sec pause)

We all feel stuck in a rut and uninspired from time to time. When this happens, it’s usually an energy-related problem. We direct too much energy into unhelpful thought patterns or other things that aren’t worth it, and have none left for our channels of creativity. 

(3 sec pause)

In this case, cultivating an open, non-judgmental mindset with this 10 minute meditation might help you out.

(3 sec pause)

Sometimes, the best way to find inspiration is to stop looking for it; that is the paradox of creativity. It’s the moments when we go “off track”, allowing our mind to freely roam and unravel, that we experience that stroke of brilliance we were hoping for and come up with a great idea. 

(3 sec pause)

It’s when we let go that things come to us. 

(4 sec pause)

So, please get yourself ready by finding a cozy spot in an environment where you feel at ease. 

(4 sec pause)

It doesn’t have to be completely silent, as long as you can find some peace there. 

(3 sec pause)

You can choose whatever position feels comfortable for you right now; just make sure you’re well-supported.

(4 sec pause)

Before you close your eyes, please take a moment to monitor your surroundings, especially noticing any blue objects in it…

(8 sec pause)

Good. Try to keep them in mind.

(3 sec pause)

Now take a few deep breaths, in through your nose, filling your lungs with air… 

(4 sec pause)

…and out through the mouth, exhaling completely.

(5 sec pause)

Let’s do that two more times… Breathing in fresh oxygen… 

(4 sec pause)

and out, letting go…

(5 sec pause)

And the last time, breathing in… 

(4 sec pause)

And on your next breath out, gently close your eyes.

(6 sec pause)

Now try to picture the objects in your surroundings that were red.

(6 sec pause)

How are you supposed to remember any of the red objects if you were consciously looking for blue ones before? Well, that’s the point exactly.

(3 sec pause)

As soon as we’re putting our energy into looking for something, it might very well happen that we close our eyes to everything other than the thing we expect to find. 

(4 sec pause)

This often results in our finding nothing; a creative idea or brilliant solution lies in the unexpected.

(5 sec pause)

We can set the optimal conditions for our creative practice, but “being creative” isn’t something we can control. 

(5 sec pause)

More than anything, creativity is a mindset. 

(5 sec pause)

It’s the art of being open to what is; observing, noticing, attending to our thoughts and surroundings without judgment, without analysis.  It’s unrestricted, un-opinionated attention. 

(6 sec pause)

Instead of a determined hunt for inspiration, it’s a joyful, flexible and relaxed kind of wandering of the mind.

(6 sec pause)

So let’s stop looking for anything in particular, and instead expand our thinking to all the available material. Let’s train the mind to be open. 

(5 sec pause)

This meditation is about noticing: bodily sensations, mood, emotions, memories, thoughts… as well as sensory phenomena like sights, sounds, smells and touch. 

(3 sec pause)

It’s also about letting go of restrictive thoughts, like how difficult it is to create or come up with a solution, or doubting your abilities. 

(3 sec pause)

There’s no need to get it “right”… forget the concept of perfection! Don’t judge, don’t expect, forget what you know. Just be open and notice what’s there, allowing whatever naturally arises to arise.

[. . .]

GEIST Sample: Story

The River Om

(sleep jingle)

Welcome! In this sleep session, you’ll board an old ferry that takes you over a broad river, whose ancient waters hold deep secrets. 

(4 sec pause)

While crossing from one bank to the other, listening to the river’s sounds, you’ll be able to clear your mind and let the calm flow of crystalline water guide you into a pure and pleasant state of deep inner peace.

(4 sec pause)

Before we begin, please make sure your surroundings are free from distractions, so you can fully enjoy this moment of calm. 

(6 sec pause)

Gently close your eyes… and allow yourself… to relax…

(6 sec pause)

Ease the tension from your muscles, and enjoy the weight of your body on the surface supporting you. 

(8 sec pause)

It’s okay to let go of the past hours and days, and of past feelings and experiences now. 

(4 sec pause)

The same goes for the future…

(4 sec pause)

Leave thoughts about bygone moments and thoughts about those yet to come for another time… 

(3 sec pause)

Now is the time to simply… breathe…

(4 sec pause)

Now is the time to rest. 

(10 sec pause)

(jungle sounds)

You’re in a lush jungle-like forest, where trees rise up high into the sky, and bird song fills the air. 

(5 sec pause)

It’s late in the morning, the sun has only just risen, and between the trees, shrouds of mist hang like giant cobwebs. 

(6 sec pause)

Different scents of fragrant flowers envelop you. It’s almost as if the thick, misty air has captured the forest’s sweetest scents, and is now offering them to you as a welcoming gift. 

(6 sec pause)

Grateful, you take a deep breath in… (breathe in audibly with listener for 2 secs then resume speech) …inviting the lovely fragrance of the blossoms into your nostrils, your throat, your lungs, chest, and belly…

(breathe out with listener for 2 secs then resume speech) …and out… 

Again, you inhale the sweet scents… (breathe in audibly with listener for 4 secs)

And exhale… (breathe out with listener for 4 secs then resume speech) …thanking the forest as you do.

(5 sec pause)

You start walking at a slow pace…

(add muffled footsteps) 

(5 sec pause)

…following smells of vanilla, but with an added citrusy note… 

(6 sec pause)

Then the scent of lilies, delicate, yet with a greater intensity than you’ve ever smelled them before.

(8 sec pause)

Now and again, you catch the scent of wood, and the sweet smell of raindrops… 

(8 sec pause)

…of ripe fruits that some of the trees are laden with…

(8 sec pause)

 and now, a hint of jasmine…

(6 sec pause)

and a peppery kind of lavender…

(6 sec pause)

You’re walking in no particular direction, simply following your senses and letting the forest’s exquisite perfumes act as your guide… 

(10 sec pause)

Every now and then, you halt to listen to a bird’s song, or to touch the velvety leaves of a flower… 

(fade melodious calls of a bird in and out)

(10 sec pause)

…and slowly, you wind your way along the rainforest’s natural pathways.

(15 sec pause)

After a long time of walking, you begin to notice that the light is changing.

(4 sec pause)

Through the thick canopy of leaves, thin rays of sun draw bright stripes in the humid air between the trees, and specks of light dance around your feet on the forest floor. 

(4 sec pause)

Low-hanging leaves covered in dewdrops glisten in the afternoon sun, and the forest begins to sparkle all around you. It’s a truly magnificent sight.

(10 sec pause)

You come to a halt, so that you can fully savor the enchanting scene: looking around and up, you watch the moving flecks of sunlight…

(4 sec pause)

….the soft beams that filter through the canopy of leaves…

(4 sec pause)

…the different shades of green under the shimmering dew…

(5 sec pause)

Then you close your eyes and smell, once more and even more intensely, the fresh and flowery forest scents surrounding you… 

(6 sec pause)

…and the fragrance of fruits, a smell so sweet that you can almost taste them… 

(6 sec pause)

You focus on your sense of touch, and feel how the thick humid air coats your skin, and how an almost unnoticeably soft sigh of wind draws warm air past your cheeks… 

(6 sec pause)

And you feel how the forest floor steadily presses against the soles of your feet, while you let yourself be carried away by these sensations… 

(6 sec pause)

Then, you listen…

(4 sec pause)

You listen to the sounds of birds and other animals… 

(5 sec pause)

…to the soft creaking of the trees… 

(6 sec pause)

…to the rustling of leaves high above, and dewdrops slipping from one leaf, and falling on another underneath… 

(6 sec pause)

and then you notice a different kind of sound, almost inaudibly mingling with that of leaves in the wind… 

(6 sec pause)

(add very soft, distant sound of flowing water to jungle sounds)

[. . .]

GEIST Sample: Talk

The proven benefits of meditation

(intro jingle)

Hi there! You’ve probably heard this before: meditation is good for you. It’s been proven to reduce stress and improve sleep, boost day-to-day performance and mood, and empower us to live healthier, happier lives.

(2 sec pause)

If you’d like to learn more about the astounding scientifically-proven benefits of meditation, then keep listening—especially if you could do with some extra motivation to begin or keep up your meditation practice.

(3 sec pause)

In this session, I’ll talk about 7 major topics: the way meditation reduces stress and improves sleep, how it boosts your performance, its effects on mood and happiness, how it promotes lifelong health as well as fulfilling relationships, and how it makes you not just smarter, but wiser too. I’ll even share with you the secret of staying young while living longer!

(3 sec pause)

So let’s get into the details. What is meditation good for?

(3 sec pause) 

(sound effect) 

Less stress.

(3 sec pause) 

In today’s busy and fast-paced society, a lot of people experience stress. It’s actually one of the most common reasons people try meditation. 

(3 sec pause) 

Stress isn’t just unpleasant: it’s bad for our mental and physical health, and a life full of stress is mostly a shorter life too.

(2 sec pause) 

The good news is that a huge body of research has demonstrated immediate and long-term positive effects of meditation on our stress levels. It’s almost like an antidote to the stress of modern life—so it’s really no wonder that meditation has become so popular these days.

(3 sec pause) 

One of the pleasant effects of meditation is that it helps us relax. Already in the 1970s, Dr. Herbert Benson, a Harvard physician, described what he called the “relaxation response” after studying people who meditate.

[. . .]

“Mirthe is excellent to work with – she created meditation and sleep audio sessions over the course of a year for our app, Memorado. Not only was her research into these topics consistently thorough and meticulous, she also delivered well-rounded and polished English texts on time, sometimes at a pace that many writers would have found challenging. Communication with her (in English and German, which she speaks equally fluently) was very easy, and we were quickly on the same page (as it were) about the tone and feel of the desired texts. I unreservedly recommend her to anyone looking for a skilled, responsive and reliable writer who goes the extra mile to deliver high quality work.”

Visit www.memorado.com or download the app from Google Play or the App Store